Using stark as an app


The app is used to manage stark databases. Here are a few key points:

  • a database must be open in order to run add/get/dump
  • one database can be open at a time
  • an open database is interfaced by a gRPC server
  • records are passed to and from the database via protobuf messages
  • records are added and retrieved using a key, which is the record's alias field.
  • to keep track of projects locally, stark has a config file which stores the most recent database snapshot (default location: ~/.stark.json)


  • stark open <project> - Open a database for a project.
  • stark add - Add a record to an open database.
  • stark get <key> - Get a record from an open database.
  • stark dump - Dump the current metadata from an open database.


To open a database, just use the open subcommand:

stark open my-project

This will check the stark config file and see if a database has been opened for this project before:

  • if the project is found it will recover the most recent snapshot CID for this project and then collect all the record links in a key-value store
  • if the project is not found, stark will open a new database and add it to the config for next time
  • it's easiest to open the database in one terminal window and then run add and get in another



  • tells the database to listen for records being added to other database instances for the same project
  • for instance, if I had a database open for metagenomics-project-101 and a collaborator also had a database open with this project name, my database instance could pull in all records that my collaborator was adding to their database (provided they were using the --withAnnounce flag)
  • this works best if --withPeers is used to connect the two databases directly


  • this is used to announce records as they are added to the database
  • announced records can be picked up by databases that are listening (via the --withListen flag)


  • encrypts record fields when adding a record to the database
  • this flag must also be used to get encrypted records
  • if you try to get an encrypted record without this flag, the get will fail
  • to provide the encryption password, use the STARK_DB_PASSWORD environment variable

--withPinata <int>

--withPeers <string>


To add a record to an open database:

cat record.json | stark add
  • the record must follow the schema or the add will fail
  • the record alias is used as the database key, which is needed for record retrieval
  • if no STDIN or file is provided, the add subcommand will collect the record interactively using a user prompt (this is a WIP)



  • tells the database that the record being added is in protobuf format, not JSON

--inputFile <string>

  • use this flag to provide the record via file instead of STDIN or interactively


To get a record from an open database:

stark get <key>



  • use this flag to print the record as human readable text


  • tells the database return the record in protobuf format, not JSON


To dump the current metadata from an open database:

stark dump